pangaear - Client for the 'Pangaea' Database

Tools to interact with the 'Pangaea' Database (<>), including functions for searching for data, fetching 'datasets' by 'dataset' 'ID', and working with the 'Pangaea' 'OAI-PMH' service.

Last updated 2 years ago

pangaeaenvironmental scienceearth sciencearchivepaleontologyecologychemistryatmosphereapi-clientdatapaleobiologyscientificwebservice-client

21 stars 2.31 score 33 dependencies

httping - 'Ping' 'URLs' to Time 'Requests'

A suite of functions to ping 'URLs' and to time 'HTTP' 'requests'. Designed to work with 'httr'.

Last updated 2 years ago


10 stars 1.46 score 24 dependencies